Tablesmaster Hi-Score Tables

Best times for completing Tablesmaster in the last 150 attempts

2 Times Table

Jam21 seconds
Ya22 seconds
Ben 22 seconds
Brox23 seconds
Yr5h24 seconds

3 Times Table

Brox24 seconds
Sami25 seconds
Sami27 seconds
Sami30 seconds
Ben31 seconds

4 Times Table

Brox27 seconds
Yr5n27 seconds
Yr5h29 seconds
Yr5n32 seconds
Yr5h34 seconds

5 Times Table

Brox23 seconds
Yr5n31 seconds
Yr5h36 seconds
Jake40 seconds
Ryde44 seconds

6 Times Table

Brox26 seconds
Yr5n29 seconds
Yr5h30 seconds
Yr5n32 seconds
Yr5n34 seconds

7 Times Table

Yr5h32 seconds
Brox33 seconds
Zggy64 seconds
Zggy79 seconds
Rizz79 seconds

8 Times Table

Yr5h32 seconds
Brox35 seconds
Yr5h37 seconds
Jake78 seconds

9 Times Table

Ayde20 seconds
Nowa21 seconds
Tyyt22 seconds
Yr529 seconds
Yr530 seconds

10 Times Table

20 seconds
21 seconds
J B24 seconds
Tay26 seconds
J B26 seconds

11 Times Table

Deec18 seconds
Zac21 seconds
Zac21 seconds
Zac22 seconds
Zac23 seconds

12 Times Table

Yr5h31 seconds
Yr5n34 seconds
Yr5n35 seconds
Yr5h35 seconds
Jake35 seconds

13 Times Table

Yr5h65 seconds
Alex99 seconds
Jaxw102 seconds
Yr5j118 seconds

Play again to improve your time: Tablesmaster

Transum Tables activities provide a great way to practise your times tables. Play them every day to
help improve your numeracy skills, mathematical proficiency and mental strength.

Average time taken by all the people who have ever attempted Tablesmaster :

57 seconds Number of Seconds
56 seconds Number of Seconds
63 seconds Number of Seconds
55 seconds Number of Seconds
60 seconds Number of Seconds
64 seconds Number of Seconds
67 seconds Number of Seconds
60 seconds Number of Seconds
10  44 seconds Number of Seconds
11  37 seconds Number of Seconds
12  69 seconds Number of Seconds
13  98 seconds Number of Seconds

There are high-score tables for Tablesmaster, Fast Factors, Tables Conga, Tables Dash.

You can customise the Tablesmaster and Fast Factors high-score charts for your school or class.


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