Tables Conga Hi-Score Tables

Best times for completing Tables Conga in the last 150 attempts

2 Times Table

Aadivsingh33 seconds
Ben JBen J40 seconds
Lachlan40 seconds
Everypalme43 seconds
Ari46 seconds

3 Times Table

Ello49 seconds
Car Br Bad56 seconds
Mngor58 seconds
M LM LM LM60 seconds
Samantham160 seconds

4 Times Table

Lachlancru41 seconds
Car Br Bad42 seconds
Mr192012 I53 seconds
Ben JBen J63 seconds
Gw15miller79 seconds

5 Times Table

33004432 seconds
Izzythomse55 seconds
Gw15miller57 seconds
Mr192012 I62 seconds
Aadivsingh68 seconds

6 Times Table

Car Br Bad52 seconds
17mcleodaj73 seconds
Ari85 seconds
Gw15miller109 seconds
Mr192012 I109 seconds

7 Times Table

Agfra38 seconds
Jasmine FJ39 seconds
18rawalved39 seconds
Sebshew40 seconds
2473152 seconds

8 Times Table

Mr192012 I72 seconds
Gw15miller81 seconds
Nayanschon87 seconds
Olliepatmo104 seconds
Cooperchl112 seconds

9 Times Table

Riley ERil57 seconds
H2onohwakp59 seconds
Lcrawford60 seconds
Jmarsden63 seconds
Jackleslie81 seconds

Play again to improve your time: Tables Conga

Transum Tables activities provide a great way to practise your times tables. Play them every day to
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There are high-score tables for Tablesmaster, Fast Factors, Tables Conga, Tables Dash.

You can customise the Tablesmaster and Fast Factors high-score charts for your school or class.


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