Tables Conga Hi-Score Tables

Best times for completing Tables Conga in the last 150 attempts

2 Times Table

Goffriley42 seconds
Jhaley49 seconds
Ebony HEbo50 seconds
Sambhav DS50 seconds
30proads52 seconds

3 Times Table

Sambhav DS47 seconds
20443054 seconds
Perdix59 seconds
16057059 seconds
Goffriley77 seconds

4 Times Table

Vas001940 seconds
Goffriley46 seconds
Dominikr1760 seconds
Sambhav DS61 seconds
Waterhouse68 seconds

5 Times Table

Kur001744 seconds
Sambhav DS48 seconds
Goffriley55 seconds
Glitterspy56 seconds
Jaidenkenn66 seconds

6 Times Table

Kur001740 seconds
Vas001945 seconds
Sambhav DS75 seconds
Lagi0f9bnc81 seconds
Goffriley94 seconds

7 Times Table

20l05357ma37 seconds
82921747 seconds
Sambhav DS47 seconds
Vas001951 seconds
Levi LLevi52 seconds

8 Times Table

S103834841 seconds
Vas001953 seconds
Sambhav DS65 seconds
Lagi0f9bnc76 seconds
Kur001781 seconds

9 Times Table

Vas001936 seconds
Sambhav DS40 seconds
Misneantho41 seconds
Dominikr1746 seconds
Elewi11851 seconds

Play again to improve your time: Tables Conga

Transum Tables activities provide a great way to practise your times tables. Play them every day to
help improve your numeracy skills, mathematical proficiency and mental strength.

There are high-score tables for Tablesmaster, Fast Factors, Tables Conga, Tables Dash.

You can customise the Tablesmaster and Fast Factors high-score charts for your school or class.


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