Laptops In Lessons

Using Internet access devices in Mathematics lessons

Laptops in Maths
Top Ten

Case Studies

These case studies are part of a project between Becta, the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) and the Mathematics subject associations. It explores how ICT can be used to support the teaching of topics that are "hard to teach" in Secondary Mathematics. Adapted from material produced by the former Becta organisation - Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0.

Circle theorems

Ruth Tanner teaches Year 9 Maths. Her students have been using Geometer's Sketchpad, a dynamic geometry software program, to develop their understanding of circle theorems. Ruth has found that learners of all ages seem to find geometric reasoning a challenge. Using the software has deepened their understanding. By the end of the project, students were able to generate their own examples of circles and triangles. They formed conjectures that they could then begin to justify and prove.

Read the full Circle Theorems case study.

3D Geometry

Aishling Ryan teaches at St Angela Ursuline School for Girls. She used the computer software Cabri 3D to show how ICT can help students improve their visualisation and interpretation of a 3D geometrical problem situation. The Cabri 3D software encouraged students to 'get inside' the shape and understand the relative position of points both on the surface and within the shape.

Read the full 3D Geometry case study.

Algebra Problems

Ben Clark used a spreadsheet to encourage his students to explore the relationship between the outcomes of different functions and the value given to a common variable. This activity aimed to develop students' understanding of algebra by exploring the relationship between the outcomes of a series of functions and the value assigned to a common variable. It also encouraged students to use some of the important process skills highlighted in the new curriculum.

Read the full Algebra Problems case study.

Economic Simulation

Joy Thompson, a teacher at Beverley St Nicholas Community Primary School, East Riding of Yorkshire LEA, has used Zoo Tycoon with a Year 5 and 6 group of special needs children who have trouble co-operating and concentrating for any length of time. There are many different types of simulation games and the value they offer to education is not measured in terms of factual information gained but in terms of skills acquired and motivation achieved.

Read the full Economic Simulation case study.

Activity Ideas

Do you have any tips for using laptops (or other portable computers) in Mathematics lessons? Click here to enter your ideas.


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