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Refreshing Revision

Number Sequences 1

What is the 6th:
a) Odd number; 11
b) Square number; 36
c) Prime number. 13

Circle (Vocabulary)

Name the red part.

Circle part Circle part

Shape Formulas

What is the formula?

Circle part Circle part

Trigonometry (Angle)

Find angle BCA if AB = 5.4m and BC = 6.5m. 56.2o

Pie Charts (1)

A pie chart shows the colours of 18 books. What sector angle represents the
4 red books?

Graph Linear (2)

Straight Line Graph

What is the equation?


A Mathematics Lesson Starter Of The Day

Bringing Memories Back To Life

Topics: Starter | Algebra | Arithmetic | Circles | Coordinates | Fractions | Mental Methods | Mixed | Money | Sets | Simultaneous Equations | Tables | Trigonometry

  • Jan, South Canterbury
  • Thank you for sharing such a great resource. I was about to try and get together a bank of starters but time is always required elsewhere, so thank you.
  • Barbara Schindler, Newton Rigg College
  • I use Refreshing Revision a lot but today all the brackets and fractions keep coming up 'jumbled' . There are curly brackets, part words / 's in odd places and it is impossible to make out the question. It is doing this on 2 computers I have tried. Can you help? thank you.

    [Transum: Sorry to hear about this problem Barbara. I have tested it from here and it seems to be working OK. Please take a look at the MathJax FAQ. Many apologies for the inconvenience.]
  • Lesley, UK
  • Answers for the starter would be great so students can get immediate feedback and become independent learners.

    [Thanks for your comments Lesley. The answers are only available to signed-in teachers and parents I'm afraid. I you are a subscriber and are projecting this Starter for the whole class to see you can scroll down the page and show the same questions with the answers included in red.]
  • Mrs B, Stockport
  • Refreshing Revision really useful resource, that I have actually used for Ks2 revision as some topics are appropriate. I'd love to see either ks2 version, with purely ks2 SATs level topics or adding them to the current version.

    [Transum: Thanks so much for your feedback Mrs B. If you could send me a list of your top ten ideas for topic you would like to see added I will work on it]
  • Mark Adams, St Peters RC School Solihull
  • It would be great if these questions came with answers as well.

    [Transum: The answers to Transum activities are available to those signed in to their Transum subscription account. You can sign up for an account here.]
  • Mr Barton, Podcast #183
  • … very common practise in UK maths classrooms would be the first five minutes of the lesson the students would be presented with four questions on four topics they've encountered some time in the past. A classic structure for this is a question from last lesson a question from last week a question from last term and a question from last year which is quite nice for spacing and that for me seems very clear that's retrieval practise because the kids have been taught it and then having to try and remember things from long term memory.

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Previous Day | This starter is for 9 April | Next Day


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This Starter is called Refreshing Revision because every time you refresh the page you get different revision questions.

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Answers are available to teachers, tutors and parents.
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Laptops In Lessons

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Here is the URL which will take them to a related student activity.

Student Activity


Try this Uniqueness Game with your class.

Uniqueness Game


Here's a projectable set of randomly-selected revision questions for the end of the lesson.

Random Recap


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page to see how
this Starter can be customised so that it
is just right for
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