
A Maths Starter Of The Day


Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud
Hills Hills Hills Hills Hills Hills




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Topics: Starter | Vocabulary

  • Amy Thay, Coventry
  • Thank you so much for your wonderful site. I have so much material to use in class and inspire me to try something a little different more often. I am going to show my maths department your website and encourage them to use it too. How lovely that you have compiled such a great resource to help teachers and pupils.
    Thanks again
  • Lochend Community High School, Easterhouse
  • 1M2 very much enjoyed todays lesson starter!
  • Elodie, Derbyshire Swadlincote., 6S
  • It was rock hard evan asked my mum and she thought it was hard too, but I did like it and I will keep trying till I work it out to find the answer.
  • Brogan, Paisley Grammar
  • To be honest, survey is not maths related.

    [Transum: The anagram of survey has been replaced by the anagram of another word which has a stronger connection to Mathematics.]
  • 6K Terrigal, Chook
  • We got them ALL!
  • Year 11, Wirral
  • We liked it, however, we feel that a greater variety of words would be more suitable for a wider age range.
  • Maths Is Fun Set, United Kingdom
  • We are a year 4 maths set. Fun but hard. We got 4/5 right. We love maths.

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Previous Day | This starter is for 17 November | Next Day



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Here's a multi-word mathematical anagram:

I'm a dot in place

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