Time Trials

Focus your mind and prepare to use your brain.

Discuss with your teacher the level of difficulty for the Time Trials.

Click a button to begin.


4 × 8


5 × 14


26 × 55

Dial Dial

Topics: Starter | Arithmetic

  • Transum,
  • Discussion point: In your head do you add the tens or ones (units) first? Pencil and paper methods usually deal with the ones first and the carry over is included in the addition of the tens but mentally, it has been argued, it is better to deal with the most significant digits first. What is your strategy?

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Previous Day | This starter is for 24 March | Next Day


This interactive Starter generates mental arithmetic questions and displays them sequentially on the screen at the front of the classroom. Students are allotted a specific amount of time, adjustable by the teacher, to write down their answers. By default, the answers are displayed on the screen when the allotted time expires, but this setting can also be altered by the teacher. To begin, select a difficulty level for the Time Trials; you can further fine-tune the variables later.

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Laptops In Lessons

Teacher, do your students have access to computers?
Do they have iPads or Laptops in Lessons?

Whether your students each have a TabletPC, a Surface or a Mac, this activity lends itself to eLearning (Engaged Learning).

Laptops In Lessons

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Here is the URL which will take them to a related student activity.


Student Activity


Curriculum Reference

See the National Curriculum page for links to related online activities and resources.


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