A Mathematics Lesson Starter Of The Day

Eleven Plus Two

Girl thinking

Rearrange the letters in the expression above to make another expression with the same value.

Clue A

The rearranged expression has three words. The middle word is the same.

Clue B

The first word of the rearranged expression is a number greater than ten.

Topics: Starter | Puzzles | Vocabulary

  • The Best Maths Class Ever (7cd/M2), King Alfreds
  • We thought that the stater today was interesting because,not many of us got it straight away but then sir got it, and then everyone cauught on and got it in the end.
  • Miss. Tatum, Hobart High School
  • What about two plus eleven??
  • Mrs Moss Tallon, Claremont Primary School, Yr 5
  • It also works if you ask the pupils to rearrange the number of lines they draw when they write the sum:
    XI + II and XIV - I (seven pen strokes each)
    Several got the first version, none the second - lateral thinking needed in my class!
  • Mr Kavanagh's Fifth Class, Cork, Ireland
  • Well done to Róisín who got the answer in about two minutes, but still said that she didn't like doing maths problems.
  • Room2, SLPS
  • Ruby is in Year three and it only took her about one minute after we read it through without reading the clues.
  • Transum,
  • Who would have thought that a word game could involve such mathematical thought? Did you show the clues straight away or did you reveal them after a period of time?
  • Mr M, London
  • My class really struggled with this problem. Wait I lied, I hadn't even put the question up on the board and they got the answer.
  • Louisa, Greentrees School
  • My year four class found this starter very easy!

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