Number Riddles

It is a square number
It is an odd number
It is < 50 and > 20
7 is a factor

It is > 50 and < 90
It is an even number
It is a multiple of 8
24 is a factor

It is a prime number
It is < 40, with two digits
If you double it and take away 9 you get a square number

It is an even number
It is < 79
5, 4, and 3 are all factors
It is a multiple of 10

It is a square number
It is an odd number
It is < 50 and > 20
4 is a factor

A Mathematics Lesson Starter Of The Day

Topics: Starter | Number | Riddles

  • Jerry McKee, Taradale Intermediate
  • I managed to find a solution for the last riddle
    25, It's odd, it is a square number (5x5), Multiple of 4 (4x6.25).
  • Transum,
  • Pupils often complain when you give them a problem that has no solution or is impossible to solve. Of course the skill is being able to confidently prove this fact. Do you give this type of challenge often enough?

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