Secret Symbol



Place a symbol between the four and the five to get a number greater than four and less than five.

Decimal Point

A Mathematics Lesson Starter Of The Day

Topics: Starter | Creativity | Multiple Intelligences | Puzzles | Riddles

  • Transum,
  • This starter is new this year. It has not yet been tested with a class of 'live' pupils so not really sure whether it is just too easy or whether it will have the desired effect of stimulating the pupils to come up with and test a number of different mathematical symbols between the four and the five. Please share your experiences of using this starter with 'live' pupils if you have time. Thanks.
  • Doug, NORWICH UK
  • Good but very easy for some more able children. Some finished straight away.

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Previous Day | This starter is for 25 April | Next Day



Decimal Point

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Laptops In Lessons

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Do they have iPads or Laptops in Lessons?

Whether your students each have a TabletPC, a Surface or a Mac, this activity lends itself to eLearning (Engaged Learning).

Laptops In Lessons

Here a concise URL for a version of this page without the comments.

Here is the URL which will take them to a different type of mathematical puzzle.

Student Activity



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