Broken Calculator (3,4)

Use the keys on this broken calculator to make the totals from one to ten. Five has already been done as an example.

1 =
2 =
3 =
4 =
5 =
6 =
7 =
8 =
9 =
10 =



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A Mathematics Lesson Starter Of The Day

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Topics: Starter | Arithmetic | Calculator | Puzzles

  • Miss P, Liverpool
  • I used this for my bottom set children in Primary school year 5 and it kept them busy for 50 minutes out of an hour lesson. Really impressed, please use more of this.
  • Chloe Burns, Holyrood Secondary School
  • I thought this was a really frustrating starter but it was very enjoyable. It took me 20 minutes to finish but it was worth it in the end.
  • Year 7 And 8, T, D, J , L
  • It's good for learning Maths. It works your brain.
  • Mr R, St Peters
  • Very good starter. I like these starters where children of all levels can join in and get the concept, whilst the highly motivated can be really challenged.
  • Kiefer Kids, Cottage Hill
  • We were able to solve #1-12 and 16 and 18 in 1/2 an hour! We are 5th graders who love math!
  • Ermine Primary Academy, England
  • Class 11 Ermine Primary Academy solved this problem together.
  • Bimal Jaggi, India
  • Really fantastic brain game for entry level. Keep up the good work.
  • Aidan, Blaxcell Street Public School, Granville
  • Very good starter recommend it to everyone
    Year5 did in 5 min.
  • Lilly, Girls High School
  • The starter was hard but when I did it even more it got easier by the minute or so. I think it is a good idea for the children and for me. It's a good maths starter for everyone and very enjoyable.
  • Mariah A, Coorara Primary School
  • This was really fun as a starter. A hint is to double negatives to make a positive.

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