Weather Maths

1. Which city is currently the warmest?

3. What is the range of temperatures?

5. What is the time difference between Birmingham and Bangkok.

7. It takes 11 hours to fly from Bangkok to Birmingham. If you take off at midday from Bangkok, what time will you arrive in Birmingham (local time)?

2. What is the mean (average) temperature of these four cities?

4. Estimate the temperatures inside and outside your classroom right now.

6. What will be the time in Boston when it is half past midnight in Brisbane?

8. Can you guess which two cities in the world have the biggest time difference?

A Mathematics Lesson Starter Of The Day

Topics: Starter | Data Handling | Live Data | Statistics | Time

  • Colin MacKay., Carnoustie High School.
  • This was fun, challenging, confusing, and a good mixture of questions, and just as well it was a 24hour clock.
  • Daisy And Conner, Scotland
  • Bonjour We loved this Maths Starter YOU ROCK TRANSUM.
  • Ole And Daisy, Year 6, Beckley School
  • We think Las Vegas and Delhi have the biggest time gap.
  • Peter,
  • I think the USA and the Middle East has the largest time differences.
  • 6r, Lacey Gardens
  • Nairobi
    St Petersburgh.
  • 5R, Cavendish Close Juniors
  • Auckland, New Zealand and Vancouver, Canada.
  • Transum's Nan,
  • Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not.
    Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot.
    We'll weather the weather whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.

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Whether your students each have a TabletPC, a Surface or a Mac, this activity lends itself to eLearning (Engaged Learning).

Laptops In Lessons

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Student Activity

There are now extensive weather records for recent years available on the Internet. Students could find this data, organise it, apply their knowledge of probability and produce their own weather forecast for the next week.

Here are some examples of the data that can be easily used in students' projects:


Alternatively the level of air pollution in cities around the world might make a good topic for investigation. Data showing the AQI (Air Quality Index) is available at


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