Step Perimeter

A Mathematics Lesson Starter Of The Day



Calculate the distance around this shape
(all angles are right angles)

Topics: Starter | Geometry | Mensuration | Problem Solving

  • Y9 Maths girlies in da Heeley hood, Rawthorpe High, Huddersfield
  • Hello, this was easy peasy but we enjoyed it, particularly Tamera who says she has a room at home shaped like that.
    We love a good starter, especially on a Monday morning. x
  • Lewis Paton, Carnoustie High School.
  • It was shapetastic.
  • 7abM3 Maths Class, King Alfred's College OXON
  • Today's starter sparked off a good chat about shapes. Eventually most of my class could see how to get the answer.
  • Transum,
  • So when the answer is realised there is typically a sense of amazement that the calculation is so simple. As a follow-on activity pupils might be challenged to draw another seemingly complex shape that has a simple calculation to calculate the perimeter. This is a useful activity which helps provide a sound background for geometrical problem solving in general.
  • Winnie, London
  • My year 6 class just loved this puzzle.
  • Mrs Walker, St.James' School
  • My class had a discussion about this perimeter puzzle and I was then able to teach my class using this problem. A great morning starter.
  • My Class, Lord Grey School
  • AWESOME!! It took us a while but we got it in the end.
  • Mr Lloyd, DSLV 5TL
  • Some of the class got this straight away, but the rest of the class couldn't see the answer.
  • British International School, Moscow
  • My class found this problem angleastic!!!!!
  • Lloyd Entwistle, Salford City College
  • Loved this problem. Students first complained that they did not have enough information but then slowly realised that they could solve it!
  • Perton Maths Department, Twitter
  • Bankton Primary Sch, Twitter
  • Matilda, St Faiths School
  • Great starter. It took me a while to work out but I got there in the end.

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Previous Day | This starter is for 9 June | Next Day



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