
How many Alphanumbetical numbers can you find? These are numbers which when written as words have all their letters in alphabetical order.

Letter A

A Mathematics Lesson Starter Of The Day



Topics: Starter | Puzzles | Vocabulary

  • Mr Hamshaw-Hart, Beverley Grammar School
  • Alphanumbetical words.
    First, effort.
  • Class 1GS2, The Gordon Schools
  • We found 'forty'.
  • Jenny Meckiffe, Herne Junior School
  • Thank you for this! I have used selective ones with my year four class and they have really enjoyed the challenge. We oarticularly liked Friday's one, finding the closest number sentence for 2008, great!
  • Nick Peters, Uplands Junior School
  • Taking things to a cross curricular level, in French we could have deux, cinq or dix ?
  • YR 8, Alcester High School
  • Also ein and dos as other languages.
  • Mr Kavanagh's Fifth Class, Cork, Ireland
  • We found forty. In Irish we found the word dó which means two.
  • 8n3, St George's Academy Sleaford
  • We also found 'acht'.
  • Zak Taibi, Cavendish Road State High School
  • We found forty.
  • Miss S, SSPP
  • We found 10. Thank you!
  • Transum,
  • The number 8549176320 is special as it contains all of the digits in alphabetical order.

    For more cool facts like that see the Maths Trivia page.
  • Cecilia Calvo Pesce, Twitter
  • Transum,
  • 206 is the smallest number that when written in words contains all five vowels exactly once:

  • Mr Duncan, Bundaberg
  • Our year 10 maths class in Bundaberg came up with "ju" which is 10 in Japanese.
  • Year 6, Dorset
  • Harry came up with forty at Yarrells School in Dor:).

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There is only one number:


Can you find any other alphanumbetical mathematical words?

Letter A

Here are some alphanumbetical mathematical words: add, foot, loss. Can you think of any more?




Zero comes last if all the numbers are arranged alphabetically. What number would come first?

What is the only number with its letters in reverse alphabetical order?

When numbers are spelled as words, which is the first to contain the letter, M?

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If you enjoyed this type of number puzzle you might like to look at the June 2016 Transum Newsletter which featured a similar challenge as the puzzle of the month.


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