Venn Diagram


















This version is not self-checking but the student version of this activity is and is available here

A Mathematics Lesson Starter Of The Day

Topics: Starter | Number | Sets

  • Wikipedia,
  • Venn diagrams are illustrations used in the branch of mathematics known as set theory. They are used to show the mathematical or logical relationship between different groups of things (sets). A Venn diagram shows all the logical relations between the sets. Euler diagrams are similar, but do not need to show all the relations; in common usage, this distinction is often ignored.
  • Jo Melville, Aberdeen
  • Great Starter - allowed review of different types of number. Extension activity - pupils made up other Venn diagrams to sort different types of numbers into different sets eg triangular numbers, odd numbers, cube numbers.
  • D Veeranna, bec, Bristol
  • Great starter. Helped with lesson as it covered square numbers and the lesson was on the Theorem of Pythagoras.
  • Lorraine Weston, Birchington Kent
  • Good idea this helped me with my special needs group on this concept.
  • Mrs Lewis, Hartford High School
  • This is great, I used it to introduce the idea of mutually exclusive events to my Year 8 Express Set.
  • Class 2.1, Brechin High
  • We liked this one as we had to think about questions like, 'Why are there no numbers which are prime and square?' Our teacher especially likes Venn Diagrams.
  • Class 4, Blackboys School
  • We are very upset that you can't get a number in the middle!

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Laptops In Lessons

Here a concise URL for a version of this page without the comments.

Here is the URL which will take them to a self-checking version of this activity:

Student Activity

Curriculum Reference

See the National Curriculum page for links to related online activities and resources.

Finally here is an interesting use of a Venn diagram as the colour key of a map.

It shows the countries that qualified for the 2010, 2014 and 2018 FIFA World Cups.

Countries qualified for the 2010, 2014 and 2018 FIFA World Cups

Map created by SoldadoTrifaldon and featured on Brilliant Maps.


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