Sid's Schemes

A Maths Starter of The Day

Sid earns £100 each week. For a summer holiday bonus his boss gives him a choice between three schemes. Which would you choose?

Sid Skiing

1. A 20% pay rise today followed by a 20% pay cut in one week's time;

2. An £18 'one time' bonus;

3. A £2 gift each day for the next nine days.

Topics: Starter | Arithmetic | Money | Percentages

  • Mrs Jane Towler,
  • Excellent activity for ks3 students is there a similar one for ks2 yr5 pupils.
  • Transum,
  • Sorry Jane, nothing specifically for Year 5 though the ideas from these starters can sometimes be adapted.
  • Pete Thompson,
  • To make this a "real" problem, the time frame needs including because any company would have to supply this. The option 1 calcs are good, but 9 days @£2 is too simple. So, good idea that could have improved options.
  • Matt, Leeds
  • Timeframe essential, as clearly he would end up with a lower wage with option 1 (dropping to £96 per week after first week).....

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Previous Day | This starter is for 23 July | Next Day

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