Cube Calendar

A desk calendar can be made using two cubes to show the day of the month.

Cube Calendar

What numbers would be on the faces of the cubes so that each date from 1 to 31 can be displayed?

Net Net

A Mathematics Lesson Starter Of The Day

Topics: Starter | Problem Solving | Puzzles

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    Printable nets of the cubes

    Use the printable net above to make your orn cube calendar. A cassette case (Are you old enough to remember those?) makes an excellent stand for your cubes.

    Cube Calendar

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    Laptops In Lessons

    Teacher, do your students have access to computers?
    Do they have iPads or Laptops in Lessons?

    Whether your students each have a TabletPC, a Surface or a Mac, this activity lends itself to eLearning (Engaged Learning).

    Laptops In Lessons

    Here a concise URL for a version of this page without the comments.

    Here is the URL which will take them to a different type of calendar net.

    Here is the URL which will take them to a calendar investigation.

    Student Activity


    Hint: For those of you who do not have a Transum subscription you might be interested to know that the solution to this puzzle involves using a font such that the six, when turned updide down, can also be used as a nine!


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