Transum Maths Software


There are 366 different Starters of The Day, many to choose from. You will find in the left column below some starters on the topic of Tables. In the right column below are links to related online activities, videos and teacher resources.

A lesson starter does not have to be on the same topic as the main part of the lesson or the topic of the previous lesson. It is often very useful to revise or explore other concepts by using a starter based on a totally different area of Mathematics.

Main Page

Tables Starters:

5.5 Times Table

Write out the 5.5 times table as far as possible.

Aunt Sophie's Post Office

Work out the number of stamps needed to post a parcel.

Hot Summer Test

Write out a large times table. Get as far as possible in 5 minutes.

North Pole Test

This starter requires you to write out a difficult times table.

Not Multiples

Write down the numbers from a list which are not multiples of a given number.

Refreshing Revision

It is called Refreshing Revision because every time you refresh the page you get different revision questions.

Strange Tables

A challenge to learn an unfamiliar times table involving decimals.

Subtract Quickulations

Calculations appear on the screen every few seconds.

Table Legs

Learn an unusual times table from the strategic finger moving up and down the 'Table Leg'!

Table Spiders

Multiply the number on the spider's back by the numbers next to its legs.

Timed Tables

How fast can you answer 24 mixed times tables questions?


Other activities for this topic | | |  Complete Index of Starters

Featured Activity

Triangle Solver

Triangle Solver

This simple calculator will work out the lengths of the sides and the size of the angles of any triangle given thee particular pieces of information.



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