The Game of The Subtraction Game

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Subtraction Game - Simple Nim

Take turns with the computer to remove sticks from the pile sticks above. You can remove a stick by clicking on it. You can remove sticks from the pile. When you have finished your turn click the button for the computer to have a turn. Whoever removes the last stick is the winner.

This is a simplified version of Nim.

You can earn a Transum trophy for each level you complete.

This activity makes a good Maths lesson starter. Click the button below for a classroom version.


Here on the Transum website there are many other interactive strategy games for you to try.


Strategy Games

Strategy Games

Click the picture above to go to the Transum Strategy Games collection. Each game requires some mental arithmetic or logic.

The short web address is:


23 or Bust

23 or Bust

Two players take it in turns to move the object on to a number in the pentagram. The object of the game is to reach a total of 23.

The short web address is:

A Mental Challenge



A mental arithmetic strategy game for a wide range of abilities. Play against the computer to select three numbers that add up to fifteen.

The short web address is:

More of a Challenge

The Game of Nim

The game of Nim

Nim is a mathematical game of strategy in which two players take turns removing objects from a number of groups of objects.

The short web address is:

Did you know that the word nim is an old English verb meaning take?

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