Tables Dash














Tables Dash Instructions
Crying Face Happy Face


Featured Activity

Without Lifting

Without Lifting

Can you draw these diagrams without lifting your pencil from the paper? This is an interactive version of the traditional puzzle. Some diagrams are possible while others are not. What is the rule?

Use the buttons above to select the times table most in need of practice. Your mission is then to get the calculation over to the right side of the screen and on to the answer.

Your score for completing a mission is determined by the time it takes, the quicker you get across, the more points you will score. You are awarded with a trophy for earning more than 300 points.

If you bump into lightning, or lightning hits you, your mission is terminated and a new calculation appears at the left of the screen.

Recently Updated

Train Timetables

Train Timetables

An interactive exercise on reading train timetables and making time calculations. So far this activity has been accessed 17118 times and 5206 people have earned a Transum Trophy for completing it.

There is nothing wrong with having a little bit of fun while revising times table facts. This game has been produced to keep your mind on the mathematics while you race to earn a trophy before the screen fills up with the bolts of lightning.

This is just one of the activities recommended to help you learn your times tables. Go to our main Times Tables page to see some of the other activities we suggest you should try. The learning is most effective if you do these activities for ten or fifteen minutes each day. Here are some activities you could enjoy right now:


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Tables Conga

Tables Conga is a proud supporter of the kidSAFE Seal Program