
A Strategy Game for Two to Four Players

Mystic Rose Pachisi Counter Counter Counter Counter Counter Counter Counter Counter Counter Counter Counter Counter Counter Counter Counter Counter

Drag the circular counters onto the game board to play the game.

The game can played by four players each having four pieces or it could be played by two or three players if some of the pieces are not used.

If you take some time to research this game you will find that it was developed in ancient India. Furthermore, you will probably find that there are many versions of the rules of the game as it is so old. In fact, I did not find two sources that gave exactly the same rules.

I think it is a good thing that there are many ways to play this game and I challenge you to develop your own set of rules for this game. Your version could become famous if it makes the game suitably challenging yet interesting and fun to play. Let me know what rules you come up with.

Here are some questions that may need answering for your version of Pachisi:

The game of Ludo was developed from Pachisi and introduced into England in 1896 (one hundred years before the photograph below was taken).


This photograph was taken at Fatehpur Sikri, India in August 1996 (when I didn't have a very good camera). Despite the poor quality, the photograph shows a huge Pachisi game board marked out in the courtyard. Games would be played using sixteen slaves from the harem, dressed in appropriate colours, as pieces - the use of children as pieces might produce an interesting class activity!

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