Transum Markbook

The Digital Markbook
Making the data work for you

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You can also use Class Admin to keep a record of the Transum Trophies your students have earned.

Transum Trophies

The cost of a subscription for one teacher is £69 per annum and we are currently accepting payments made through Paypal and credit card.

If you would like to sign up for an account click on the button below:

On submitting your details you will directed to a page asking for payment. This payment can be made using Paypal.

More information about Class Admin

If you already have an account, log in using the form to the right.

"Formative Feedback", "Maths Menu" and "Random Students" have now been combined into this "Class Admin" application which is currently available to teachers who have a current Transum subscription. It is designed to:

  • Store your class lists so that you can access them anywhere you have an Internet connection;
  • Provide an online tool for creating lesson plans including many of the Transum popular resources;
  • Process students' assessments data and provide the students with detailed information about how they performed in comparison to their class mates.
  • Arrange students randomly in groups for class activities;
  • Create a seating plan;
  • Print out class lists;

In addition, when you are logged into Class Admin you have access to:

  • Answers to most of the student online exercises, quizzes and puzzles.
  • Access to quality external links on each of the Transum topic pages so that you can easily find the excellent resources we have found and add to the collection yourself.
  • Answers to to our collection of Maths Lesson Finishers.
  • Access to tables showing the Transum Trophies earned by class members.

You can also write reports for your students with a little help from the software which feeds you with statements based on their marks.


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