Vector Cops

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 More Puzzles


Type two whole numbers into the cop's vector, press the Go button and observe what the robber does.

Help the cops catch the robbers by finding the vectors that will end the chase.

Developed from the concepts used in the Vectmeet program originally published by the SMILE (Secondary Mathematics Individualised Learning Experiment) in 1984.

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Have you figured out what needs to be done to win a trophy? This activity is about describing movement, known as 'translation', using two dimensional vectors. Such vectors contain two numbers, the first represents the horizontal movement (positive numbers to the right and negative to the left) and the second number represents the vertical movement (positive numbers up and negative numbers down).

Type two numbers into the cop's vector so that the small blue circle containing a C lands on the small red circle containing an R.

For each level the direction and distance the robber moves is determined by some rule. If you can figure out what this rule is you will stand a better chance of catching the robber by anticipating the movement of the robber's car.


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