A large analogue clock to use for telling the time practice with the whole class.
Here are some ideas for questions. Click on a question to have it appear below the clock. The text of the question can then be edited so that it better meets the needs of your students.
What time is it now?
How long is it until the top of the next hour?
How long is it until twelve o'clock?
How many minutes have passed since 4 o'clock?
What time will it be after another 23 minutes?
What time will it be after another 69 minutes?
What time will it be after another 2 hours and 31 minutes?
What time was it 33 minutes ago?
What time was it 93 minutes ago?
What time was it 148 minutes ago?
What fraction of the current hour has passed?
What time would the hands appear to show if this clock was viewed in a mirror?
At exactly which times are the hands of the clock pointing in the same direction?
At exactly which times are the hands of the clock pointing in opposite directions?
At exactly which times are the hands of the clock perpendicular?
It can be quite tricky answering the questions above when time is ticking away. The buttons below can be used to freeze the clock on the current time or set it for a specific time.
Set the clock to :
The solutions to this and other Transum puzzles, exercises and activities are available here when you are signed in to your Transum subscription account. If you do not yet have an account and you are a teacher or parent you can apply for one here.
A Transum subscription also gives you access to the 'Class Admin' student management system and opens up ad-free access to the Transum website for you and your pupils.
Clock Times Pairs
The traditional pairs or Pelmanism game adapted to test the ability to compare analogue and digital times.
The short web address is:
Time Arithmetic
Practise adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing times with these self-marking exercises.
The short web address is:
A simple visual aid which acts as a stopwatch recording the number of minutes and seconds that have passed or are left.
The short web address is:
Walking Times
Questions about the time it takes to walk between places in London according to the Walking Tube Map.
The short web address is:
Train Timetables
An interactive exercise on reading train timetables and making time calculations.
The short web address is:
Time Sort
Arrange the analogue and digital clock faces in order from earliest to latest
The short web address is:
Telling The Time
Practise reading a clock face and making simple time calculations. The short web address is: www.transum.org/go/?to=tellingtime
Time Totals
Ten questions requiring a time calculation based on popular films. The short web address is: www.transum.org/go/?to=time
Reading Scales
A self marking exercise on the reading of scales of different types. The short web address is: www.transum.org/go/?to=readingscales
Many more activities can be found on the Time topic page.
This is the main Transum help video on Time.
The code for this clock was adapted from javascript made available by w3schools.com. The time showing is the time of your computer clock so if you think it is not correct you could adjust the time on your computer.
Do you know how to use a calculator to do calculations with times? Have a look at Calculator Workout Skill 12.
"Shakespeare didn't get all his facts correct. Cassius, in the play Julius Caesar said "The clock hath stricken three" a millennium or so before mechanical clocks were invented!"
James Etheridge, Twitter
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Sunday, September 20, 2020
"Shakespeare didn't get all his facts correct. Cassius, in the play Julius Caesar said "The clock hath stricken three" a millennium or so before mechanical clocks were invented!"