Mini Whiteboard

I think the answer is...

When the teacher has asked the question write or draw your answer above then hold up your device so the teacher can see it.

This is a much better idea than putting your hands up! This way the teacher can see what everyone is thinking rather than just one person.

When you have written down your answer don't hold your device too high. Just rest it on your desk facing the teacher. We must think of safety first and not risk damaging this iPad/laptop/slate!

Information for the teacher: Here are some suggested activities for which these mini whiteboards can be used:

Idea Number 1

Plane Bearings

Plane Bearings

A visual aid designed to help pupils estimate three figure bearings. Pupils could write their estimate of the bearing on this mini whiteboard as part of a class game.

Idea Number 2



How close can you get to the target by making a calculation out of the five numbers given?. Pupils could write their attempts on this mini whiteboard then hold it up for the teacher to see.

Idea Number 3

Number Line

Number Line

Pupils write on this mini whiteboard answers to questions the teacher asks about negative numbers. The teacher receives instand feedback by reading the answers off the held up devices.

Idea Number 4

Hot Number Challenges

Hot Number Challenges

The ten Hot Number challenges are ready to project onto the class whiteboard. Pupils could write their solutions on this mini whiteboard.

Idea Number 5

Maths Anagrams

Maths Anagrams

Jumbled words from a database of over 500 different mathematical words. Pupils could solve these anagrams then write their words on this mini whiteboard for all to see.

Idea Number 6



Students classify numbers appearing on the screen by writing the letters P,E,S,T or O on this mini whiteboard. The teacher can see who has classified the numbers correctly.

Idea Number 7

eQuation Generator


An unlimited supply of linear equations just waiting to be solved. Project for the whole class to see.

Idea Number 8



A mental arithmetic visual aid that displays random calculations then after a few seconds displays the answers.

Idea Number 9



Remember these mathematical words for their shape and movement.

The image below is from a book published in 1821 detailing how to run a school ('The Lancasterian system of education, with improvements by its founder Joseph Lancaster, of the Lancasterian Institute'.)


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