This is the story of three friends; Gary, Robbie and Lucy, who decided to go on a day trip to London. They planned to go by bus and knew that they had to be at the bus station by 8:30am. Gary thought that he would need an hour and fifteen minutes to get up and to the bus station so he set his alarm clock for am.
Robbie takes a lot longer than Gary to get ready in the morning so he set his alarm clock 20 minutes earlier than Gary which is am.
Lucy set her alarm for am which was exactly in the middle of the times that Gary and Robbie had set their alarms.
Everyone arrived on time and for the bus. It was a 56 seater and there were already 26 people in seats. Lucy asked Robbie which of the empty seats they should choose to sit in. Robbie said "Let's sit at the very back", so they did.
They enjoyed the bus ride even though they thought it was expensive. They had paid £17 each making a total of £ for the three of them.
London was a very exciting place to visit. "Let's visit the Science Museum" first said Gary. Luckily Lucy had a map of the London underground so she quickly planned the best route. "From King's Cross to South Kensington we will pass through nine stations. I estimate 2 minutes times 9; plus 5 minutes waiting time. That's minutes altogether".
The Science Museum is a very interesting place to visit and it is free! There is even a whole floor for Maths! Lucy enjoyed working out the ages of the Mathematicians by subtracting the year they were born from the year they died in her head. She worked out that Louis Poinsot (1777-1859) was years old when he died. Do you think she was right?
Robbie offered to pay for everyone's lunch. "If I add up the cost of your meals; Gary's was £4.40, Lucy's was £3.90 and mine was £4.50 so that's £ altogether. If I pay with a twenty pound note I should get £ change." He was right.
After lunch the trio went to do some shopping on Oxford Street then returned to the bus station to catch the 6pm bus home. "Let's go to London again on my birthday" said Gary. "When is that?" questioned Lucy. "On 5 April." answered Gary. Robbie said "Good idea, if today is 12 February that's only days from today. I can't wait!"